Registration, Renewal
A registered valuer must have a complete knowledge of and comply with–
- the Valuers Registration Act 1992, the Valuers Registration Regulation 2024 and the Australian Property Institute Code of Professional Conduct; and
- the duties and obligations imposed on a registered valuer by the Act, the Regulations, the Code and other relevant laws to the profession.
A specialist retail valuer must, in addition to the above, have complete knowledge of and comply with the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994.
Information on the Standard Entry Pathway, the Certificate for Competence Pathway, and the Mutual Recognition Pathway to become a Registered Valuer are outlined below. In addition, information on the pathway to become a Specialist Retail Valuer, or to Renew or Restore your registration is also provided below.
Please note that all applications for registration, including sample reports, should be submitted electronically via email to
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for registration, you must:
- have completed a degree or post-graduate degree recognised by the Board (PDF), or be a member of an approved institute with recognised certification (which the Board will credit you with 12 months of practical experience); and
- be of good fame and character and a fit and proper person; and
- have sufficient practical post-graduate experience of at least two years; and
- have passed the Board’s examination which includes an interview before the Board and the presentation of four sample Queensland valuation reports; and
- make payment to the prescribed fees.
Application process
Your application for registration will pass through the first four stages, as outlined below, but may pass up to six stages.
Stage 1: Application
Applications will only be accepted in an electronic format, and once your application is submitted it will be reviewed internally for completeness.
Stage 2: Assessment
The supplied information is assessed against the mandatory requirements for registration. At this stage we will initiate contact with the references outlined in your application and you may be required to supply further information.
If your application is straight forward, you will be contacted with regards to arranging your oral examination before the Board. Your four sample valuation reports will be disseminated amongst relevant Members of the Board for assessment of your competency to value land in Queensland.
You are encouraged to be diligent with your application and the reports submitted as amendments to your reports will only be facilitated in exceptional circumstances.
Stage 3: Interview/oral examination before the Board
The Board will consider your four sample valuation reports, in addition to the interview conducted in making determination on your competency to value land in Queensland. It is expected that you are particularly familiar with the contents of the reports, and during the interview, able to explain all workings, including rationale of value, comparable sales evidence and methodology adopted.
It is also expected that you are able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of valuation principles and techniques, and are familiar with professional standards imposed by the Valuers Registration Act 1992, Valuers Registration Regulation 2013 and other relevant laws to the profession.
Stage 4: Registration or request to resubmit and/or reinterview before the Board
If the Board grants your registration, your registration is finalised upon receipt of any outstanding payments and relevant letters and certificates will be prepared and sent to you.
If the Board requests that you resubmit sample valuation reports and/or reinterview before the Board, you will be provided with adequate time to facilitate reviews and will be contacted to arrange for reinterview (if required).
Stage 5: Refusal of registration
If the Board rejects your application, you will be informed and may elect for the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal to review the decision.
Stage 6: Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
For information on the jurisdiction of the Tribunal to review decisions of the Board, visit the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal website.
Withdrawn Incomplete
If your submission to the Board is not received within a reasonable period, the application is closed as being withdrawn and incomplete.
Guidelines for Registration as a Valuer in Queensland
You are encouraged to refer to the Guidelines for Registration as a Valuer in Queensland prior to lodging an application for registration.
Application form
The Application for Registration as a Valuer (PDF) is to be completed by anyone seeking registration who meets the qualifications of the board, or is a member of an approved institute with recognised certification, and has had practical experience of at least two years under the supervision of a Queensland registered valuer.
Fees relevant to your registration as a valuer up to 30 June 2025 include:
- $268.50 – Application for registration as a valuer (Act, s 29(1)(c))
- $77.06 – Certificate of registration (Act, s 34(1))
- $268.50 – Roll fee (Act, s 36(1)) (reduced by one-twelfth of the fee for each whole month of the financial year that has expired)
Refer to the Schedule of Fees and Charges for details of the charges attributed. An increase may apply to all applications, certificates, and roll fees as of 1 July of each year.
Please note that all applications for registration, including sample reports, should be submitted electronically via email to
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for registration through the Certificate of Competence pathway, you must:
- be of good fame and character and a fit and proper person; and
- have sufficient practical post-graduate experience of at least three years (noting that the Board grants 12 months experience for completing an approved qualification); and
- have a Certificate of Competence recognised by the Board and issued by a Prescribed Institute.
- The Australian Property Institute (API) CPV standard is recognised as a Certificate of Competence.
- The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Chartered Valuation Surveyor standard is recognised as a Certificate of Competence.
- The API will provide a membership certificate that shows your CPV status.
- RICS will provide you with a Certificate of Competence letter that you simply include with your application.
- make payment of the prescribed fees.
- applicants who attained their Certificate of Competence status through a reciprocal arrangement are ineligible to apply under the Certificate of Competence pathway.
Application process
Your application for registration will pass through the first four stages, however, it may go through up to 6 stages as outlined below.
Stage 1: Application
Applications will only be accepted in an electronic format, and once your application is submitted it will be reviewed internally for completeness.
Stage 2: Assessment
The supplied information is assessed against the mandatory requirements for registration. This includes that applicants demonstrate: –
- good fame and character and are a fit and proper person to be registered as a valuer, and
- sufficient practical experience over a period of at least 3 years since starting an approved course of study to enable the person to competently value land in Queensland. Note that the Board grants 12 months experience credit for competing an approved course of study.
- sufficient competence to value land in Queensland. For applications under this pathway, the Board will verify the Certificate of Competence issued by a Prescribed Institute. Once satisfactory verifications have been completed, the Board will accept the Certificate of Competence as evidence that the applicant meets the competence requirement to value land in Queensland.
We will initiate contact with the references outlined in your application. You may be contacted to clarify information contained in your application, or to request additional information.
Stage 3: Registration, postponement or refusal
If the Board grants your registration, your registration is finalised upon receipt of any outstanding payments and relevant letters and certificates will be prepared and sent to you. Once you are registered, the entitlement to registration continues, whether or not membership continues with the Prescribed Institute.
The Board may postpone or refuse to grant your registration in the event that any of the information provided in the relevant application is materially false or misleading, or if the document evidencing your existing registration has not been provided. You will be notified of a decision to postpone or refuse your registration, with reasoning provided.
Stage 4: Refusal of registration
If the Board rejects your application, you will be informed and may elect for the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal to review the decision.
Stage 5: Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
For information on the jurisdiction of the Tribunal to review decisions of the Board, visit the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal website.
Stage 6: Withdrawn/Incomplete applications
If your submission to the Board is not received within a reasonable period, the application is closed as being withdrawn and incomplete.
Guidelines for Registration as a Valuer in Queensland
You are encouraged to refer to the Guidelines for Registration as a Valuer in Queensland prior to lodging an application for registration.
Application form
The Application for Registration via the Certificate of Competence pathway (PDF) is to be completed by anyone seeking registration who meets the requirements and has determined that this pathway best meets their circumstances.
Fees relevant to your registration as a valuer up to 30 June 2025 include:
- $268.50 – Application for registration as a valuer (Act, s 29(1)(c))
- $77.06 – Certificate of registration (Act, s 34(1))
- $268.50 – Roll fee (Act, s 36(1)) (reduced by one-twelfth of the fee for each whole month of the financial year that has expired)
Refer to the Schedule of Fees and Charges for details of the charges attributed. An increase may apply to all applications, certificates, and roll fees as of 1 July of each year.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Certificate of Competence pathway mean that I am no longer able to apply for registration through the Board’s standard application process?
The Certificate of Competence pathway provides an additional choice that individuals can select to become a Registered Valuer in Queensland. Each individual can select one of three application pathways available to apply for registration. These include: –
Standard Application Pathway: – apply directly to the Board, which includes providing 4 sample valuation reports and attending a Professional Interview, demonstrating fitness to practice, and relevant experience.
Certificate of Competence Pathway: If you have achieved the Australian Property Institute (API) CPV standard or a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Chartered Valuation Surveyor standard then you can apply using this pathway if you wish. The 4 sample valuation reports and Professional Interview are not required, however, information to support fitness to practice and experience requirements are still required.
Mutual Recognition Pathway: – The Mutual Recognition pathway is open to Valuers who hold a valid licence to practice in Western Australia, or are a Registered Valuer in New Zealand. The Mutual Recognition principles essentially outlines that an individual already registered or licenced in one State does not have to satisfy specific State requirements or undertake further training before qualifying for a certificate of registration. Information that is required includes details of the existing registration/licence, qualifications and experience.
It is up to each individual to determine which pathway best suits their own personal circumstance. Further information on each pathway is available on the Board’s website, and you can also contact the Board’s staff for further information or clarification.
What is a Certificate of Competence?
The Valuers Registration Act 1992 (Qld) recognises that other parties undertake assessments of the competence of individual valuers. A Certificate of Competence is a Board approved document issued by a Prescribed Institute (such as the API or RICS) that demonstrates an individual has achieved a recognised competence standard.
For the API, their Certificate of Competence is their CPV standard issued from 8 February 2021. For RICS, their Certificate of Competence is their Chartered Valuation Surveyor standard.
The API will provide a membership certificate that shows your CPV status.
RICS will provide you with a Certificate of Competence letter that you simply include with your application.
The Board will then undertake appropriate checks with the API and with RICS to confirm the information provided is correct.
Are there any limitations on the Certificates of Competence the Board will accept?
Applicants who attained the API CPV Certificate of Competence status through a reciprocal arrangement are ineligible to apply under via the Certifcate of Competence pathway.
Will individuals who want to become registered in Queensland using the Certificate of Competence pathway still need to compete an application form and have their fitness to practice and experience assessed by the Board?
Yes, applicants will need to complete the appropriate application form and provide the requested information to allow the Board to assess fitness to practice and experience requirements. This information includes providing a national police check, references, career history, various declarations.
Do I still need to renew my registration every year?
Registration to value land in Queensland must be renewed each year. Renewal forms are issued in March each year with payment and completed renewal applications due by the end of April each year to avoid late fees. Renewals that are still outstanding are after 30 June are cancelled. Applicants will then have 12 months to apply to have their registration renewed or, if greater than 12 months, they will need to reapply for registration. This may mean undertaking either the Board’s, API’s or the RICS full competence assessment process.
What are the benefits of applying to become a Registered Valuer through the Certificate of Competence pathway?
For those who wish to achieve the API CPV and/or RICS Chartered Valuation Surveyor standard, it streamlines the process to become registered and reduces amount of time, work and documentation required to become a Registered Valuer in Queensland. It makes the process more efficient.
If you hold an unrestricted Western Australia land valuers licence or New Zealand valuer registration you may be eligible for Queensland valuer registration under the Mutual Recognition (Queensland) Act 1992.
Please note that all applications for registration via mutual recognition should be submitted electronically via email to
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for registration under mutual recognition, you must:
- be currently registered or hold a valuation licence from a reciprocal jurisdiction; and
- be of good character and a fit and proper person; and
- make payment to the prescribed fees.
Reciprocal jurisdictions
Registration or licensing for reciprocal entry as a registered valuer in Queensland includes:
- Western Australia land valuers licence
- New Zealand valuer registration.
Application process
Your application for registration will pass through the first three stages, as outlined below, but may pass up to four stages.
Stage 1: Application
Applications will only be accepted in electronic format, and once your application is submitted it will be reviewed internally for completeness.
Stage 2: Assessment
The supplied information is assessed against the mandatory requirements for registration. At this stage we will initiate contact with the reciprocal jurisdiction for confirmation of your registration/licence and you may be required to supply further information.
If your application is straight forward, your application will be prepared for the Board’s determination, with recommendation made on qualification for registration.
Stage 3: Registration, postponement or refusal
If the Board grants your registration, your registration is finalised upon receipt of any outstanding payments and relevant letters and certificates will be prepared and sent to you. Once you are registered, the entitlement to registration continues, whether or not registration ceases in the reciprocal jurisdiction.
The Board may postpone or refuse to grant your registration in the event that any of the information provided in the relevant application is materially false or misleading, or if the document evidencing your existing registration has not been provided. You will be notified of a decision to postpone or refuse your registration, with reasoning provided.
Stage 4: Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
If the Board postpones or refuses to grant your registration under mutual recognition, you may elect for the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal to review the decision.
Withdrawn Incomplete
If your complete submission to the Board is not received within a reasonable period, the application is closed as being withdrawn and incomplete.
Ability to practise
Once you have lodged your complete application for mutual recognition, you are, except where fraud is involved, deemed registered and immediately become subject to all of the registration and other relevant laws of Queensland while carrying out the occupation.
Note that subject to the Valuers Registration Regulation 2013, any written valuation reports must include your registration number. This number will not be received until the Board has made determination to grant your registration.
Application form
The Application for Registration as a Valuer (PDF) under mutual recognition is to be completed by anyone seeking registration who holds an unrestricted Western Australia land valuers licence or New Zealand valuer registration.
Fees relevant to your registration as a valuer up to 30 June 2025 include:
- $268.50 – Application for registration as a valuer (Act, s 29(1)(c))
- $77.06 – Certificate of registration (Act, s 34(1))
- $268.50 – Roll fee (Act, s 36(1)) (reduced by one-twelfth of the fee for each whole month of the financial year that has expired)
Refer to the Schedule of Fees and Charges for details of the charges attributed. An increase may apply to all applications, certificates, and roll fees as of 1 July of each year.
A specialist retailer valuer is a registered valuer who is permitted, via listing with the Board, to conduct formal rental determinations.
Under the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994, a retail shop means premises that are; a) situated in a retail shopping centre; or b) used wholly or predominantly for the carrying on of one or more retail businesses.
Where a landlord and tenant cannot agree on current market rent for a retail shop for a market rent review, they may jointly appoint a valuer to make a determination of the current market rent or make a request for the nomination of a specialist retail valuer.
Please note that all applications for registration as a specialist retail valuer should be submitted electronically via email to
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for specialist retail valuer listing, you must:
- be a registered valuer; and
- have sufficient experience in retail rental determinations to competently determine rental disputes, and
- have passed the Board’s examination which includes an interview before the Board and the presentation of two sample rental valuation reports of Queensland retail shop leases; and
- make payment to the prescribed fees.
Application process
Your application for registration will pass through the first four stages, as outlined below, but may pass up to six stages.
Stage 1: Application
Applications will only be accepted in an electronic format, and once your application is submitted it will be reviewed internally for completeness.
Stage 2: Assessment
The supplied information is assessed against the mandatory requirements for listing. At this stage we will initiate contact with the references outlined in your application and you may be required to supply further information.
If your application is straight forward, you will be contacted with regards to arranging your oral examination before the Board. Your two sample rental valuation reports will be disseminated amongst relevant Members of the Board for assessment of your competency to determine rental disputes.
You are encouraged to be diligent with your application and the reports submitted as amendments to your reports will only be facilitated in exceptional circumstances.
Stage 3: Interview before the Board
The Board will consider your two sample rental valuation reports, in addition to the interview conducted in making determination on your competency to determine rental disputes.
The Board’s decision will be to either grant, postpone or refuse your application for listing. Determination will be made against the key competencies outlined in the Valuers Registration Board of Queensland Specialist Retail Valuer Examination Matrix.
Stage 4: Registration or request to resubmit and/or reinterview before the Board
If the Board grants you listing as a specialist retail valuer, your listing is finalised upon receipt of any outstanding payments and relevant letters will be prepared and sent to you.
If the Board requests that you resubmit sample reports and/or reinterview before the Board, you will be provided with adequate time to facilitate reviews and will be contacted to arrange for reinterview (if required).
Stage 5: Refusal of registration
If the Board rejects your application, you will be informed and may elect for the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal to review the decision.
Stage 6: Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
For information on the jurisdiction of the Tribunal to review decisions of the Board, visit the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal website.
Withdrawn Incomplete
If your submission to the Board is not received within a reasonable period, the application is closed as being withdrawn and incomplete.
Guidelines for listing as a specialist retail valuer in Queensland
You are encouraged to refer to the Guidelines for Registration as a Valuer in Queensland prior to lodging an application for listing.
Application form
The Application for listing as a Specialist Retail Valuer (PDF) is to be completed by a registered valuer seeking registration as a specialist retail valuer to carry out rental determinations.
Fees relevant to your registration as a valuer include:
- Application to be recorded as a specialist retail valuer (Act, s 42B(2))
- Recording as a specialist retail valuer on the list kept by the board (Act, s 42FA(a)) (reduced by one-twelfth of the fee for each whole month of the financial year that has expired)
Fees relevant to your registration as a valuer up to 30 June 2025 include:
- $268.50 – Application for registration as a Specialist Retail Valuer
- $268.50 – Roll fee (reduced by one-twelfth of the fee for each whole month of the financial year that has expired)
Refer to the Schedule of Fees and Charges for details of the charges attributed. An increase may apply to all applications, certificates, and roll fees as of 1 July of each year.
Registered valuers are required to renew their registration annually, and prior to 1 May of each year to avoid late fees.
Notices regarding renewals are sent to all registered valuers in March, with renewal of registration contingent on:
- being considered of good fame and character and a fit and proper person; and
- having completed at least ten hours of Continuing Professional Development, unless an exemption applies; and
- making payment to the prescribed fees.
Continuing Professional Development
All registered valuers must, unless exemption applies, participate in at least ten hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) that assist in maintaining and improving your competence in the profession.
CPD is required to be undertaken either:
- during the calendar year for API/RICS/PINZ or SISV compliance certificates; or
- using the Board’s template for statements of CPD for each renewal period.
The following activities are recognised as CPD–
- attending seminars, conferences, workshops, field days or addresses about property matters, conducted by professional organisations, industry bodies or employers;
- preparing and presenting papers about property matters;
- writing and circulating or publishing articles about property matters;
- undertaking formal education about property matters;
- undertaking informal education about property matters by perusing appropriate journals or similar documents.
Specialist retail valuers are required to undertake at least five of the ten hours of CPD specific to retail rental valuations.
Exemption from CPD
If you are aware that you will be unable to complete the required ten hours of CPD, you will need to contact the Board to discuss your eligibility for an exemption.
Fees relevant to your renewal of registration include:
- $268.50 – Roll fee (Act, s 36(1))
- $268.50 – Renewal of recording as a Specialist Retail Valuer (Act, s 42FA(a))
- $77.06 – Late fee (for late payment of roll fee) (Act, s 36(2))
- $77.06 – Late fee (for late Continuing Professional Development submission) (Act, s 36B(2))
Late fees will be incurred for renewals received after 30 April of each year. If you do not renew your registration by 30 June, your name will be removed from the Register of Valuers of Queensland and you cease to be a registered valuer.
Refer to the Schedule of Fees and Charges for details of the charges attributed. An increase may apply to all applications, certificates, and roll fees as of 1 July of each year.
Valuers whose registration has lapsed following the annual renewal period will be required to apply to have their registration restored. A restoration period of 12 months is permitted, following this time, you will need to reapply under the conventional registration process.
Please note that all applications for restoration of registration should be submitted electronically via email to
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for restoration of registration, you must:
- have been recognised as a registered valuer, with your registration lapsing in the most recent renewal period;
- be considered of good fame and character and a fit and proper person;
- have completed at least ten hours of Continuing Professional Development in the previous 12 months, unless an exemption applies; and
- make payment to the prescribed fees.
Application process
Your application for restoration of registration will pass through the first three stages, as outlined below, but may pass up to four stages.
Stage 1: Application
Applications will only be accepted in electronic format, and once your application is submitted it will be reviewed internally for completeness.
Stage 2: Assessment
The supplied information is assessed against the mandatory requirements for restoration of registration. At this stage you may be required to supply further information.
If your application is straight forward, your application will be prepared for the Board’s determination, with recommendation made on qualification for registration.
Stage 3: Registration, postponement or refusal
If the Board grants your restoration of registration, your registration is finalised upon receipt of any outstanding payments and relevant letters will be prepared and sent to you.
The Board may postpone or refuse to grant your restoration of registration in the event that it is not satisfied that you are qualified to be registered. You will be notified of a decision to postpone or refuse your registration, with reasoning provided.
Stage 4: Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
If the Board postpones or refuses to grant your registration under mutual recognition, you may elect for the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal to review the decision.
Withdrawn Incomplete
If your complete submission to the Board is not received within a reasonable period, the application is closed as being withdrawn and incomplete.
Application form
The Application for Restoration of Registration as a Valuer (PDF) or the Application for Restoration of Registration as a Valuer and Specialist Retail Valuer listing (PDF) is to be completed by valuers whose registration has lapsed following the most recent annual renewal period.
Fees relevant to your restoration of registration as a valuer up to 30 June 2025 include:
- $268.50 – Application for registration as a valuer (Act, s 29(1)(c))
- $77.06 – Late fee (for late payment of roll fee) (Act, s 36(2))
- $77.06 – Late fee (for late submission of Continuing Professional Development detail) (Act, s 36B(2))
- $268.50 – Roll fee (Act, s 36(1))
Refer to the Schedule of Fees and Charges for details of the charges attributed. An increase may apply to all applications, certificates, and roll fees as of 1 July of each year.